Imago Foundation works in the area of supporting the idea of independent life for people with disabilities. We perform activities aimed at social, educational and professional activation of people from vulnerable groups including people with disabilities.

Our activities are aimed at the development and promotion of personal assistant services and respite breaks for carers. We are the initiator of changes and innovations in the area of social policies that facilitate the independent life of disabled people and carers. We have been running personal assistance andrespite care centres in three Polish cities. We also support professional development of our clients. 

The foundation implemented over 100 projects financed form national or foreign resources. We are an active member of international and national federations, such as ISBA, EASPD, PolishUnion of Supported Employment. 

Main areas of our activity include: 

– Social services – support for people with disabilities and their carers (Imago is a national leaderin the development of personal assistance and respite services, the implementer of 6 national service programs in 2 regions for approx. 450 people annually) 

– Accessibility – audits including audits with experts by experience, trainings, workshops  Supporting development of social workers, local administration, NGOs and labour market institutions (trainings, workshops, seminars, national and transnational conferences)

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"The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said." - Peter Drucker

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