The Catalan Federation of Autism (Federació Catalana d’Autisme) was born in 2009 to defend the rights of people with autism and their families. The goal of the Federation is to empower, train and support entities created by and for autistic people and their families in everything they need; represent the community in the political and social field; and raise awareness and create synergies with society in order to guarantee the fulfilment of the rights of people with autism.
The Federation aims to defend a diverse but equal society in rights. Autism is a condition present in all areas of a person’s life. Our action focuses on the creation and consolidation of spaces for community participation in all sectors: school, cities, culture, work, higher education, health environments, access to justice, gender, nature, leisure, etc.
The Federation has become, in the last years, the reference entity of a large part of the autistic groups and the interlocutor of the administration in different spaces and projects. Currently, the Federation represents 44 entities from all over Catalonia, to which it offers several services such as institutional representation; legal support; support in local, regional, national and European projects; personal assistance advice, communication support.

Federacia Catalana Logo
Federacia Catalana Photo

"The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said." - Peter Drucker
