Autism-Europe (AE) is an international non-profit association established in 1983 and recognised under Belgian law. AE is comprised of almost 90 member associations in 38 countries (including 26 member states) and represents an estimated 7 million autistic people and their families throughout Europe. Self- advocates and families play a central role in the organisation. AE is recognised by the European institutions as a key representative network in Europe of autistic people and their families. AE’s work is based on the principles of the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD). 

AE’s main objectives are to: 

  • Ensure full implementation and respect of the rights and the effective participation of people with disabilities;
  • Promote a rights and evidence-based approach to autism working together with people with autism, their families, professionals and decision-makers; 
  • Encourage research on autism, prevalence studies and exchange of best
    practices and evidencebased interventions for children with autism, as well as support and habilitation services for adults; 

AE work with their members to:  

  • Advocate for the rights of people with autism before the European institutions; 
  • Monitor European legislations and policies; 
  • Promote the full implementation of the UN CRPD, including access to education, training andemployment, independent living, accessible medical and social services, professional diagnosis, early intervention, protection from discrimination and more social inclusion; 
  • Promote the exchange of information, good practices and experience in the field of autism;  

Promote awareness of autism.

Autism Europe Logo
Autism Europe Photo

"The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said." - Peter Drucker

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